Legal advice in the field of fam­ily law

Con­fronta­tions related to fam­ily law very often put an enor­mous pres­sure on all par­ties involved. The out­come of those con­flicts quite often jeop­ar­dizes the very exis­tence of entre­pre­neurs and their com­pa­nies. Our legal advice in the field of fam­ily law ensures a fair process of such dis­putes.

In ref­er­ence to dis­putes related to fam­ily law many aspects should be con­sid­ered. Our ser­vices include but are not lim­ited to the fol­low­ing legal aspects:

  • Divi­sion of house­hold belong­ings
  • Child cus­tody
  • Divorce
  • Asset Pro­tec­tion
  • Main­te­nance for chil­dren
  • Right of con­tact (to chil­dren)
  • Main­te­nance
  • Statu­tory equal­iza­tion of pen­sion ben­e­fit rights
  • Equal­iza­tion of net prop­erty gains

A mar­riage con­tract, a sep­a­ra­tion agree­ment, or divorce con­se­quences set­tle­ment clar­ify these aspects. A tip by our legal advi­sors for fam­ily law: Writ­ten agree­ments between two part­ners set­tle dis­putes before, dur­ing and after a mar­riage.

Contact us!

Fam­ily Lawyers, with real solu­tions

In the case of a divorce our legal advi­sors for fam­ily law develop sound solu­tions – in close coop­er­a­tion with you. We strive for a fair com­pen­sa­tion and thereby ensure a suc­cess­ful con­ti­nu­ity of your busi­ness. Our legal advi­sors always con­sider your indi­vid­ual mar­i­tal and liv­ing sit­u­a­tion. We develop out­line solu­tions tai­lored to safe­guard your busi­ness against con­se­quences of a mar­riage cri­sis.

If you are look­ing for a pro­fes­sional legal advice, con­tact our team of spe­cial­ist fam­ily lawyers. We prac­tice fam­ily law for many years and work with you to achieve the best pos­si­ble results.

We are here to help. Dis­cuss with our attor­neys the legal costs, legal aid and steps involved to reach a pos­i­tive out­come.

Family law requires prudent advice

A high degree of respon­si­bil­ity towards all par­ties involved is self-​​evident for Mr. Cen­torbi.

Claus Cen­torbi

Lawyer und Man­ag­ing Direc­tor