Your expert for IT and online law

The law firm Gräf & Cen­torbi offers com­pe­tent and com­pre­hen­sive legal advice in IT and online law to clients rang­ing in size from large inter­na­tional cor­po­ra­tions to small busi­nesses and start-​​ups.

Our goal is to form a long-​​term rela­tion­ship with our clients by help­ing min­i­mize the legal risk when oper­at­ing online so they can focus on grow­ing their busi­ness. To facil­i­tate this goal, we pro­vide per­son­al­ized ser­vice and help you draft provider con­tracts and terms of use up to the legal safe­guard­ing of an inter­net pres­ence.

If you want to make your web­site safe from warn­ings or if you want your domain to be pro­tected our lawyers are the best choice. We have many years of expe­ri­ence and already have a large num­ber of clients who trust us in this field.

Contact us!

Legal advice in all areas of Inter­net law

We pro­vide legal advice in all areas of Inter­net law. Our ser­vices include but are not lim­ited to the fol­low­ing legal aspects:

  • E-​​commerce Agree­ments
  • Copy­right and Trade­mark Reg­is­tra­tion and Enforce­ment
  • IT Con­tract Law
  • Data Pro­tec­tion State­ments
  • Web­site Terms Of Use Agree­ments
  • Pri­vacy Poli­cies
  • Impres­sum
  • Track­ing Tools
  • Inter­ent Tech­nol­ogy Pur­chases and Sales/​Licenses
  • Inter­net Ser­vice Provider Agree­ments
  • Web­site Host­ing Agree­ments
  • Domain Name Pur­chase Agree­ments and Dis­putes
  • Web Mar­ket­ing Agree­ments

We help your busi­ness grow

Our goal is to assist entre­pre­neurs and other busi­ness own­ers to start, grow, and pro­tect their com­pany. If you would like to learn more about our ser­vices, please feel free to con­tact us to dis­cuss your cur­rent sit­u­a­tion and how we can help.
