Download the certificates of authority easily
Here you find the certificates for downloading. Please click with the right mouse button on the link you wish to open. Select „Save target in …“ and enter a suitable download location on your computer. After the download, please open the file on your computer.
Please use this certificate of authority if you want a legal representation in civil or criminal law by one of our lawyers.
Please use this certificate of authority if you want a legal representation in civil or criminal law by one of our lawyers.
Please use this form if you want to entrust our law firm with the collection of outstanding debts.
Please use this form if you want to entrust our law firm with the registration of claims within the insolvency proceedings against your debtor.
Please use this form if you want to entrust our law firm with the monitoring of your titled claims.
Please use this form if you want to release your medical doctor from his or her confidentiality towards our law firm.
The protection of your personal data is a serious concern for us. In the following PDF we give you detailed information about which data we collect and for what purpose we use it.