Tenancy and real estate law

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Legal advice on all real estate mat­ters

Con­flicts dur­ing and after a ten­ancy very often put a strain on all con­tract­ing par­ties – emo­tion­ally and finan­cially.

Both in res­i­den­tial and in com­mer­cial ten­ancy law, the lessor wor­ries about the estate und the asso­ci­ated costs. The ten­ant on the other side wants to ensure the preser­va­tion of the apart­ment as the cen­ter of life – or, in the com­mer­cial sec­tor, con­cerns over the dis­charge of pro­fes­sional duties.

The per­ma­nent adju­di­ca­tions in ten­ancy law require legal advice before a ten­ancy agree­ment is signed. A well-​​drafted ten­ancy agree­ment is the basis for good ten­ancy. It is tai­lored to the indi­vid­ual needs and helps to avoid lengthy dis­putes.
The lawyers of Gräf & Cen­torbi have the exper­tise to find appro­pri­ate and prac­ti­cal solu­tions to all legal issues and achieve the best tailor-​​made results for clients.

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Answers to your legal ques­tions

We give you pro­fes­sional advice and answer all ques­tions you have con­cern­ing your real estate or ten­ancy. Amongst oth­ers, we pos­sess in-​​depth knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence in the fol­low­ing legal areas:

  • Ser­vice charge state­ments (inci­den­tal expenses), Assessment/​drafting of coop­er­a­tion agree­ments
  • Draft­ing and reviewal of rental agree­ments
  • The buy­ing and sell­ing of prop­er­ties
  • Rent reduc­tion
  • Rent increase
  • Prop­erty & Lease­hold

Do you need any consultation?

Our lawyer Sab­rina Schmitt-​​Dierolf is happy to help.

Sab­rina Schmitt

Lawyer und Spe­cial­ist lawyer