Data protection and privacy law

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We mit­i­gate the risk of data breaches in order to pro­tect your assets

Whether your busi­ness is a large cor­po­ra­tion, a mid­dle or small sized busi­ness or a start up, our Pri­vacy & Data Pro­tec­tion lawyers are ready to help. In a time where elec­tronic data is vital to every busi­ness world­wide in order to col­lect, trans­fer or process sen­si­tive or per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion, it is more impor­tant than ever to keep these data secure.

As the world of per­sonal data is being trans­formed nearly every year by advances in tech­nol­ogy and the pos­si­bil­i­ties of big data, we under­stand the role data secu­rity plays in every­day busi­ness life. Thus we are per­fectly placed to give our clients sound strate­gic and cost-​​effective advice on the oppor­tu­ni­ties and the risks of these changes.

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Keep your busi­ness safe – Pri­vacy & Data Pro­tec­tion with Gräf & Cen­torbi

Our lawyers have broad exper­tise in all aspects of pri­vacy and data secu­rity law includ­ing:

  • develop and draft data pri­vacy poli­cies, data pro­cess­ing con­tracts (Auf­trags­daten­ver­ar­beitungsverträge) or spe­cific direc­to­ries (BDSG)
  • pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive pri­vacy and secu­rity risk assess­ments and com­pli­ance audits
  • exam­i­na­tion of adver­tis­ing activ­i­ties in rela­tion to aspects of data pro­tec­tion
  • employee edu­ca­tion and train­ing with respect to daily work prac­tice
  • pri­vacy and data breach lig­i­ta­tion

